
Showing posts from November, 2017

4 Amazing Benefits Of Hair Follicular Unit Extraction

Everyone desires to have young looking and bouncy hair. Hair Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) transplant is an effective way to get hair that are not less than just beautiful. In this transplant technique, tiny circular punches are used to extract the follicular units directly from the patient’s donor area. Though FUE is a newly adopted way, it is preferred by most of the patients dealing with hair loss issues. There are several benefits offered by this permanent and visually appealing Hair Transplant FUE Method , some of which are listed below: 1. Absence Of Linear Scar The utmost important reason why people prefer FUE is the absence of a linear scar that is visible in other hair transplants. Those who want to keep hair short and are highly concerned about their looks should desperately opt for follicular unit extraction method.   2. Minimal Discomfort If you are looking for a non-invasive hair transplant , then FUE is the ultimate method you should go for. Loca...