
Showing posts from December, 2017

4 Signs & Symptoms Pointing Towards Sudden Hair Loss

Alopecia or hair loss is not at all an old age trait and may appear at any phase of the life. Though loss of hair is common with growing age, it is a matter of health concern in young people. Depending on the factors behind it, hair loss can appear in different forms. It may suddenly or gradually affect your scalp and the hair density. A person dealing with sudden hair loss may become partially or completely bald within a short time period. In some cases, its effect is temporary and occur due to weather, diet or location changes. To overcome the severe hair loss problem, it’s advised to undergo Hair Loss Treatment in Beverly Hills practiced by expert hair transplant surgeons.   Some signs and symptoms of hair loss may include: Sudden Loosening of Hair If you think that your hair are loosening or becoming weak, don’t ignore them at all. A physical or emotional shock may be the reason behind this sudden loosening. This sign of hair loss ...

Which Type Of Hair Loss Are You Suffering From?

Do you know hair is made up of a protein called keratin? This protein is highly responsible for the health and growth of your hair. An average human looses around 100 hairs a day which are replaced with new hair growths from the follicles. An excess of hair loss is not at all normal and may lead to baldness or bald patches on your head which can be treated with FUT Hair Restoration method. Prior to the treatment, it is important to know the type of hair loss you are suffering from. Various types of Hair Loss or Alopecia include: Involutional Alopecia It is a common and naturally occurring condition which is characterized by the gradual thinning of the hair with age. The reason being more hair follicles go into the resting phase which simultaneously reduces the hair count and makes them shorter. Androgenic Alopecia Unlike involution, androgenic hair loss is a genetic condition that affects both men and women. In men, it is generally characterized by a receding hairline on t...