
FUT Hair Restoration Technique : Everything You need To Know

At Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, FUT Hair Restoration is a process, in which hair unites/follicles from the back and sides of the head are detached, which is more resistant to Androgen hormone and embedding them in the regions of lesser development of hair or baldness. For Hair Restoration Technique, two ways are used to expel the follicles, i.e. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) . What is Strip FUT(Follicular Unit Transplantation) ? To carry out Strip FUT Hair Restoration , unions holding a little group of hairs are extracted from the donor region of hair (the edge of hair around your head) in a strip in this method. The strip is then sent to the cutting room where under the higher amplifications of magnifying instruments, unions are cleaned and separated. In this way, unites are put into the cuts made in the bald region. These are normally emerging follicular units, which, if transplanted well, will duplicate the natural hair gro...

Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT) in LA by Dr. John Kahen

FUT Hair transplantation in LA is a surgical technique that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the 'donor site' to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. In this minimally invasive procedure, grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding, (like the back of the head) are transplanted to the bald scalp. FUT Hair transplantation in LA Hair transplantation can also be used to restore eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, and to fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery such as face-lifts and previous hair transplants.  Hair transplantation differs from skin grafting in that grafts contain almost all of the epidermis and dermis surrounding the hair follicle, and many tiny grafts are transplanted rather than a single strip of skin. Dr. Kahen, an expert in FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in LA , then uses very small micro blades or...

Everything You Need To Know About Eyebrow Transplantation!

Do you regret your thin eyebrow growth? If yes, don’t worry as you are not the only one struggling with thin, plucked or waxed brows. Just like baldness, a thin brow line can be treated with Micro-pigmentation or eyebrow transplantation. It is an effective way of restoring the hair growth on your eyebrows and can be done on one or both brows, depending on the severity of the problem. Moreover, Eyebrows Transplant in Beverly Hills benefit the people who have missing or cut brows due to an injury scar. If you want to get an eyebrow transplant done, there are a lot of things you need to understand related to the post care and styling of brows. The hair growth you’ll get after the transplant is much similar to the one you get for scalp hair. This means you may need to put more efforts in keeping your eyebrows well groomed. Benefits Of Eyebrow Transplantation It reverses the side effects of over-plucking and laser therapy. It is a single solution to all l...

4 Things To Do Before & After Hairline Lowering

Are you having an excessively large or higher forehead? If yes, the reason may be any including genetic factors, hair loss, alopecia and many others. Whatsoever be the reason, your hairline can be lowered with procedures such as hairline lowering technique, scalp advancement and FUE Transplant in Los Angeles . In actual, it doesn’t lower the forehead but moves the hair growth down. Depending on the factors such as pre-operative hairline, scalp laxity and patient’s age, one can achieve better results for frontal hairline advancement. Hairline Lowering Extension Beverly Hills Some things to do before Hairline Lowering Surgery Beverly Hills Avoid the intake of anti-inflammatory medicines after discussing with your doctor for at least a week before the surgery as they can hinder the recovery process. Try to avoid the consumption of alcohol and salty foods as they can lead to fluid retention and swelling of the scalp. Consult your surgeon to get a cl...

FUE Hair Transplant Consultation To Discuss With Your Surgeon

Hair transplant is a common problem that needs to be treated at an earlier stage to prevent costly procedures. If left untreated, minor hair loss can soon turn up into complete baldness. If you are already going through hair loss problems and want a successful procedure, then Follicular Unit Extraction i.e. FUE Transplant is the best option to go with. Before you opt for this surgery, it is important to understand which steps are involved and benefits or limitations of the procedure, if any. FUE Hair Restoration at Beverly Hills 1. Remain Informed When it comes to FUE Transplant Beverly Hills certain guidelines are set that guides patients in making the right choice. There are several terms which have been recognized as “red flags” in the hair loss treatment. Some of them include: No incision No pain No touch No cutting No scar Non-invasive 2. Correct Credentials Hair transplant is not like any other serv...

3 Potential Causes Of Hair Loss Problem In Men

Hair loss is a common problem, especially in the men. When your hair starts falling before age, it is advised not to ignore the condition as you may end up in partial or complete baldness. Though around 30% of men suffer from the early hair loss problem, most of them don’t care about it at all. Instead of getting themselves treated, they end up believing in some useless and confusing myths. Nowadays, there are several procedures such as FUE Hair Transplant in LA and FUT hair restoration in Los Angeles that are highly effective in getting a new hair growth in a short period of time. To protect yourself from being falling victim to hair loss, there is need to know about the potential causes and reasons that lead to the loss of scalp hair. Few causes of hair loss in men include: Genes Most probably, hair loss in men follows a specific pattern that is inherited genetically from parents. Baldness genes pass on from one generation to the next without any prior ...

Best FUE Hair Transplant in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles

Hair loss is a major problem that almost every 1 in 5 men is suffering from. No matter, a person is young or an adult, he’s likely to suffer from baldness or severe hair loss. Though the effect and severity of the problem vary from person to person, it greatly triggers a sense of depression and weirdness. If you have tried many hair generation products and oils but to no effect, need not worry as hair transplant is one of the effective solutions. To achieve desired results without any side effects, consult a hair transplant surgeon to know whether the FUE transplant in Beverly Hills will really offer fruitful results or to check if you are a good candidate for the hair transplant or not. The Right Age Limit For Hair Transplant When it comes to the ideal age to undergo a hair restoration or transplant, there is no specific age limit. Since the baldness or hair loss issue may arise anytime, it is never too late nor too early for FUE hair transplant in Beverly Hills. But som...