4 Things To Do Before & After Hairline Lowering

Are you having an excessively large or higher forehead? If yes, the reason may be any including genetic factors, hair loss, alopecia and many others. Whatsoever be the reason, your hairline can be lowered with procedures such as hairline lowering technique, scalp advancement and FUE Transplant in Los Angeles. In actual, it doesn’t lower the forehead but moves the hair growth down. Depending on the factors such as pre-operative hairline, scalp laxity and patient’s age, one can achieve better results for frontal hairline advancement.

Some things to do before Hairline Lowering Surgery Beverly Hills
  • Avoid the intake of anti-inflammatory medicines after discussing with your doctor for at least a week before the surgery as they can hinder the recovery process.
  • Try to avoid the consumption of alcohol and salty foods as they can lead to fluid retention and swelling of the scalp.
  • Consult your surgeon to get a clear detail of what to eat and not to strengthen your immune system so as to prepare yourself for the surgery.
  • Talk to a specialist or browse over the Internet to know about the necessary precautions you need to take to avoid any risk of blood clot and infection.

  • Avoid washing your hair and scalp for at least two days after the surgery is done.
  • Do not engage in activities such as swimming, gyming and running for a week.
  • The recovery period is mostly for 7 days, so try not to lift heavy objects until that time.
  • To ease the swelling or pain, if any, consider applying ice to the scalp area.
  • Don’t forget to take the prescribed medication for pain and follow the aftercare instructions.
  • Try not to consume alcohol as it can greatly slow down the recovery process.

These are some of the things you need to do before and after the treatment to achieve effective hairline lowering results. If you are facing a lower hairline or want to undergo FUT Hair Restoration in Beverly Hills, feel free to consult our hair surgeons at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration.


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